Arpeggiators are one of the funnest MIDI-toys to play with, but wouldn't it be cool if you could do something like that with Audio? Who else but AnalogX could do something like this - Behold AnalogX AudioArpeg!
AnalogX AudioArpeg has 32 faders per channel that effect the volume at a rate specified by the tempo. Wow, sounds pretty technical, but what's it sound like? This is one of those plugins that's a blast to play with, and is really easy to use! There's really only one option that you might not understand, and that is the 'Delay' slider; this is basically to help you lock the tempo to start just where you want it on the input audio stream. It can also be used to do some pretty cool effects when you have a stereo source and do not have the channels chained... Just play with sliding the delay on the second channel back and you'll see what I mean.
If you think the processed sound clicks to much, play with the Cross-Fade slider, it smoothly transitions from one level to another, helping to eliminate these artifacts. It can also be used to create a 'softer' sound, by setting the value high (+50%), just experiment with it and you'll get the picture.
In order to use this plugin, you must have DirectX 6 or greater installed, as well as DirectX Media. You must also have a DirectX audio-compatible music application (like Paris, WaveLab, Cakewalk, etc) installed in order to use the plugin. It works with either a mono (1 channel) or stereo (2 channel) audio stream, at either 16bit or 32bit.
For quick and convenient tuning, simply click on the slider, and then use the left/right arrow keys to move the sample value -/+ 1, or the PageUp or PageDown keys to move at a larger step size.
I'd like to thank Jak over at for giving me the idea for this plugin!