
December 2001

The life and times...

    Well, I'm sure that many of you have wondered what has been going on in the past year, and why AnalogX has been dormant. Did something happen? Is it just another casualty of the dot-com fallout that has occurred? For your reading enjoyment, here's a brief summary of what's been going on.
    On the business side of things, I've been involved in several things the last year, but primarily with a very cool video on the Internet company that has managed to develop some very unique technology - and actually has a way to make money, which is a nice change of pace. I've gotten the opportunity to work with some people I really respect and have learned quite a bit from as well; in a space that has always interested me.
    On the music side of things, I'm in the progress of working with some people who have quite a bit of experience in the music business, and I really look forward to hearing what comes out of our collaborations. Whatever the outcome, it will definitely have the same musical sound that my tracks on MP3 have but with the addition of vocals. I've also souped up my studio pretty extensively, the guys over at Emu helped me select some gear to help fill out some areas that were a bit lacking. I also purchased a second Paris rig to have even more simultaneous tracks as well as to accommodate the new equipment. One of the unfortunate side effects of the upgrade was that the old DOS MIDI sequencer I used to use no longer works, but I needed to start using something anyway (although I would have liked to not have been pushed).
    On the site side of things, nothing has happened - but that shouldn't be news to anyone reading this. :) I was surprised to see that the traffic to the site hasn't decreased; on the contrary it's actually increased, but not at the same rate as the Internet has grown, so I've slipped in my attempt to break into the top 1000 websites in the world. The listserver has also grown substantially since last year; it now has more than 400,000 subscribers!
    So that's the high-level description of what's been going on lately, if you're interesting in finding out a bit more detail, then I suggest checking out two interviews that I've done recently. The first is from Sonik Magazine and is focused more on the musical side of things, while the other by indevelopment deals primarily with the web side and a bit of an update (they interviewed me a couple years ago).
    For those of you lucky enough to know about and attend this year's Gnomedex , I spoke there and even gave away a few tshirts (actually, they were bribes to get people to ask questions). It was without a doubt the most fun I've ever had at a conference, and also had some other very cool speakers ( Steve Gibson of Shield's Up fame was there, and I was hoping to catch up with Marco Gransee from WebAttack but he bailed out at the last minute). I certainly hope there will be another one next year, so if it sounds like something you'd be into then make sure to let them know. Oh, and there are quite a few pictures on the Gnomedex site, including me being utterly crushed on stage playing Jeopardy against some of the other speakers.
    So what's next? Got me, more people are involved in helping keep things on the right track, so my hope is that we'll see a whole new AnalogX in the months and years ahead. Don't worry though, AnalogX will always remain at it's core what it has always been... Now if only we knew what that was... :)